Debate on AI Regulation

The extremely rapid development of Artificial Intelligence in recent months is both astonishing and concerning. It seems important to regulate this field to avoid potential abuses. But what exactly should be regulated? While almost everyone agrees on the need to strengthen the regulation of applications that incorporate AI techniques, the regulation of foundational models (particularly large language models) remains much more debated. These models are not applications per se; they are complex but can lead to a wide variety of services in different fields (law, healthcare, education, etc.). Should they be regulated? If so, which aspects of these models should be regulated? Or should all legislation focus on the applications, leaving the models without specific rules? More broadly, could regulation risk stifling innovation, as is often claimed?
- Raja Chatila (Membre du comité national consultatif d’éthique du numérique)
- Camilla Penzo (Research Lead, PEReN, Pôle d’Expertise sur la Régulation du Numérique)
- Isabelle Ryl (Directrice de Prairie)
- Anastasia Stasenko (Research Lead à
Practical details
What ? Discussion - Debate
Where ? Ecole normale supérieure, Amphithéâtre Jaurès, Département d’Etudes Cognitives, 29 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
When ? Thursday, December 14th, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Registration : Free but mandatory here
How to get to Amphithéâtre Jaurès? The public entrance is located at 24 rue Lhomond. At the intercom, ring “Accueil”.
The debates will be transmitted in a hybrid format if conditions allow. Participation in person is recommended.
The AI and Society Initiative of Ecole Normale Supérieure (Aïda Elamrani, Romane Gallienne, Thierry Poibeau). This debate is part of a series of reflections on the impact of AI on society.